A tribute to my long time Friend and Mentor, Rose Fortich, and her contributions on spreading the word of the Lord to thousands of people across the cyberspace over these years. A true role-model and inspiration, here is my attempt at following her footsteps...

 The Results of False Wisdom "Where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every evil thing." -James 3:16 Sin, like some powerful astringent, contracted his soul to the very small dimensions of selfishness; and God was forsaken, and fellow-creatures forsaken, and man retired within himself, and became totally governed by narrow and selfish principles and feelings. Self-love became absolute master of his soul, and the more noble and spiritual principles of his being took wings and flew away. - Jonathan Edwards FALSE WISDOM RUINS LIVES!

 Jesus is reachable everywhere! Just whisper to Him a little prayer and He will answer you back, listen to Him in your heart. Everyone can come to Him: righteous or sinners. He loves us all without partiality. All He need from us is to listen to Him and follow. Grab this opportunity that we can still get in touch with Him in our prayers, every seconds of our life. When the end comes. No more merciful Jesus, but of Jesus who will judge the sinners and to people who have hard hearts, who keeps on denying Him and refuse to receive His graces and calling of repentance. His Second Coming is no more mercy but only wrath. Please we still have time to come to Jesus now. To ask for His mercy of forgiving our sins and give us new life with Him, and be with Him in heaven soon. PLEASE LISTEN NOW AND ACT!

 If it is pleasing to God Almighty, he will be filled with a spirit of understanding. - Sirach 39:6 Reflection: We can learn many things and even give our assent of faith, but it does not always mean that we understand these things. There are graced moments when the Spirit gives us that gift. If even for just a moment, we catch an insight into things that before were confusing and mysterious to us. Prayer: Help me to understand, Holy Spirit. Who You are and what You want of me.

 We are so blessed that we are still alive in our world today. We can still be able to hear the voice and the Words of God through Jesus Christ that echoes all around the corners of the earth, through people whom He made instruments to deliver His Words and to the Holy Bible that we are reading everyday. This is the manifestation of the love of God on us. Be receptive and absorb everything He said. Everything He said now, we will use it in the days to come. Every Words that we heard from Him are all graces that we can use it in the future, for our salvation. PLEASE LISTEN AND DO IT NOW!

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